Service Modules

Consulting & engineering

Once all the seals in a plant have been recorded and analyzed, we draw up standardization concepts based on the actual sit­u­a­tion. What we aim to do is to optimize the number of seal types, sizes, and ma­te­ri­als used, and to improve the key figures for the plant. We advise on rules and legal regulations, and illustrate the measures that need to be taken.

The benefits to you:

  • Systematic and consistent analysis as a reliable basis for developing suitable measures
  • Potential improvements are highlighted, e.g. standardization with the aim of optimizing seal types, sizes, and materials
  • Advice on technical versions and alternatives

Technical analysis and support

A team of sealing spe­cial­ists works to elim­i­nate process dis­rup­tions or “bad actors.” Using state-of-the-art methods such as thermal imaging or data logging, critical po­si­tions for the op­er­a­tion of the plant are di­ag­nosed, and remedial actions are drawn up. We carry out tests under ap­pli­ca­tion-ori­ented con­di­tions on test benches or in original pumps at our research and de­vel­op­ment centers. The goals are to extend the MTBF, and increase plant avail­abil­ity.


Our fitters and tech­ni­cians take care of all types of seal main­te­nance, either at the plant or at the Service Center: assembly, com­mis­sion­ing, ser­vic­ing, mod­ern­iza­tion, and repairs. Data relating to the seal's func­tions, such as the causes of a failure, measures to elim­i­nate damage or costs is recorded and doc­u­mented. This makes it possible to con­tin­u­ously assess the seal’s service life and main­te­nance costs, pro­vid­ing a sound basis for action to optimize service in­ter­vals and plant avail­abil­ity.

Seminars & training

True to the motto of “By pro­fes­sion­als for pro­fes­sion­als”, we offer ex­ten­sive con­tin­u­ing ed­u­ca­tion courses on the subject of sealing tech­nol­ogy. These are suitable for main­te­nance and service per­son­nel, pro­duc­tion managers and pro­duc­tion en­gi­neers from the oil and gas, chemical, refinery, power station, food, paper, and phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal in­dus­tries. Courses include group seminars, in­di­vid­ual training courses, and training courses tailored to specific needs. They are held on our own premises, or at a dif­fer­ent location if re­quested by the customer.

Inventory management

We can develop an in­ven­tory man­age­ment concept for complete seals and spare parts, which is tailored to in­di­vid­ual re­quire­ments and the ap­plic­a­ble quality spec­i­fi­ca­tions. We also optimize the stocks held on site or at the EagleBurgmann Service Center. Our cus­tomers benefit from op­ti­mized in­ven­to­ries, reduced ad­min­is­tra­tion costs, and reliable avail­abil­ity of spares. Only genuine spare parts are used.

Service module: on-site service

Our on-site service includes in­spec­tion service, retro­fitting, and mobile service. This allows us to set up a service unit on our customer’s premises. The vehicles are equipped with the nec­es­sary range of seals, and are sup­ported by qual­i­fied staff. On site we ensure that from gaskets, me­chan­i­cal seals to ex­pan­sion joints are avail­able, exactly as needed. We also provide complete doc­u­men­ta­tion, and advise our cus­tomers on how to choose and install seals. Our range of services is topped off with complete retrofit packages con­form­ing to the TA-Luft, for example.