DGS Centers of Competence

Our exclusive compressor seal services

Dynamic Seals is one of the leading system sup­pli­ers of sealing tech­nol­ogy for com­pres­sors. Decades of ex­pe­ri­ence, out­stand­ing design and cal­cu­la­tion ex­per­tise as well as in­no­v­a­tive, top quality pro­duc­tion make us stand out to our cus­tomers. Op­ti­mized services are major con­trib­u­tors to making sure that the im­ple­mented Dry Gas Seals and there­fore the complete plant run without in­ter­rup­tion.

Dynamic Seals does not only offer out­stand­ing products for the high-tech sector of gas-lu­bri­cated me­chan­i­cal seals, but also a holistic service program tailored specif­i­cally to the needs of this highly chal­leng­ing field.

With our com­pre­hen­sive network of special DGS Centers of Com­pe­tence (CoC) around the world, we support our cus­tomers with assembly, overhaul, repair and ac­cep­tance testing services for their Dry Gas Seals. In addition, we operate several static testing fa­cil­i­ties for DGS.

The DGS Centers of Com­pe­tence are equipped with state-of-the-art machines and testing fa­cil­i­ties. They are strate­gi­cally located all over the world to be close to our global cus­tomers.